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Genetic Testing for Prostate Cancer

Genetic testing involves examining your DNA. By taking a sample of your blood, saliva or tissue genetic testing can reveal changes (mutations) in your genes. Genetic testing plays a vital role in determining the risk of developing certain diseases, help with screening decisions and sometimes help identify the best medical treatment.

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Scans & Imaging

An imaging test uses sound waves, radioactive particles, or magnetic fields to create an image. These images allow physician to see changes in the body that may be caused by cancer. Imaging is an essential component in the treatment of prostate cancer. As you will learn, many treatments depend on the localization of cancer within the prostate to appropriately target treatment to the cancerous cells while sparing healthy tissue.


Marker Favorites

Below is a list of favorited Prostate Cancer Markers:

Prostate Cancer Marker Quiz

Have you been screened for prostate cancer?

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Do you know if you have had a biopsy for prostate cancer?

Was your prostate cancer biopsy negative (no cancer was found)?

Please click the answer that best describes your current status of your prostate cancer

Post Treatment

Donec sed odio dui. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

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Pre Treatment

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.

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Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

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One of the most significant challenges in prostate cancer is identifying disease that needs to be treated and the treatment plan that is best for each patient. The United States Preventive Services Task Force outlined this need recently, stating the importance of identifying testable characteristics of prostate cancer and the need to predict poor health outcomes. Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) is joined by many scientists and industry biomarker and genomic diagnostic testings companies working to close this gap for patients and physicians. This newsletter highlights several new and pipeline biomarkers that our panel of experts believe have the potential to significantly impact the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

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What are prostate cancer markers?

What is a prostate cancer marker?  As defined by the National Cancer Institute, a marker is a biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease.  It may also refer to mutations, changes, or patterns in a tumor's DNA.  Doctors may use marker tests to learn if you have cancer.  These tests can also help doctors to learn more about your cancer and help to plan treatment.

Why are prostate cancer markers important?

Prostate cancer markers are greatly impacting the world of prostate cancer from early detection through diagnosis, by helping men to better understand their risk of having the disease and identifying the aggressiveness of the disease if present.  These tests can also help doctors to learn more about your cancer and help to plan treatment.

Bringing Access!

Prostate cancer markers are now becoming more accessible than ever to men across the country!  Many of these markers are now covered by Medicare and many other private insurance companies.  Also, often the marker companies themselves will have a financial assistance program to help patients gain access to their tests.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about coverage of these markers or about financial assistance programs!

Click here to find out what markers might benefit you!